
Raluca is a homeowner passionate about everything related to living closer to nature, and being more connected to nature, in general. Her aim is to live a more sustainable life, limiting the daily stress and going back to the roots, as some would say. Among her favorite activities is growing her own vegetables and greens, while still making space for a lot of flowers and decorative plants within her outdoor space. She researches and writes about a wide range of topics, from gardening to garden maintenance and watering, or garden décor. And water saving solutions and harvesting rainwater, are also activities that she currently focuses on.

Drip irrigation system displayed in the garden with mainline and three secondary watering tubing

How to Install a Drip Line With a Garden Hose

Most of our friends thought that as long as their outdoor hose bib is not that close to the garden area, the installation of a drip irrigation system is not actually a solution for them. Another concern they had was around the installation process, as they thought they need an entire network of connected water pipes just to start with.

low pressure gardening hose running water

How to Increase the Water Pressure in Garden Hose

Even if it seems easy, watering a garden can make you face situations and issues that you never thought or heard of in advance, and which you simply don’t know where to start fixing. Among these, we can definitely mention the water pressure issues. Depending on what you use your water hose for, you might need a higher or lower water pressure.

Dirty hose running water

How to Clean a Garden Hose

When we hear about cleaning garden hoses, we usually think of the hose’s exterior that might get dirty in time. This happens without a doubt no matter how careful we are, as it is carried all around the garden, collecting dirt, dried plant fragments, and so on. A second aspect to consider is the garden hose interior dirt.

Six different types of garden hoses with different colours and duty level

How to Choose a Garden Hose – Short Guide

Watering is a crucial activity for all the plants we are growing in our backyard. No matter if these are leafy greens, vegetables, decorative plants, or trees, water is an essential life-supporting element. We can’t simply rely on nature to provide it, especially now, with all the climate changes on our planet. This is why it is essential to have at least one garden hose and water the garden easily and effectively.

Hose reel cart with wheels with blue hose coiled near a brick wall

How to Choose a Garden Hose Reel Cart

A hose reel cart is definitely a clever investment if you regularly use large garden hoses in your garden. But with so many options available out there, when it is time to purchase your own, things might become overwhelming. The first step to clear things up and achieve a good understanding of the hose reel cart market is to start categorizing the types of reel carts available on the market.

Different ways to water plants without a hose, by using watering can backpack automatic sprayer water buckets

How Can I Water a Garden Without a Hose

We talk a lot about garden water hoses, fittings, and hose storage options, trying to answer the most diverse questions that may arise related to the garden watering topic. We faced a lot of challenges ourselves while getting acquainted with most of the activities related to keeping a garden.

One line drip tube irrigation in a vegetable garden

Drip Irrigation Systems | Quick Guide

We postponed the decision of installing a drip irrigation system in our garden as, at first thought, it overwhelmed us. With all the components that need to be set up in the right place and in the perfect order, the entire process just seemed too complex to even consider starting it. 

Non Recyclable Sign for Garden Hoses

Can You Recycle Garden Hoses?

We all understand how crucial a clean environment is and the critical role it plays for both our physical and mental health.  Recycling is the key to obtaining and maintaining a clean and safe surrounding environment and we can all play our small part for the greater good of our planet.